While we try our best to accommodate all teams wishing to participate in the tournament, due to the restraints of time and resources we can not accommodate everyone. Therefore all Iwi and Team registrations are reviewed by Poitūkohu Māori Aotearoa with priority given to those iwi who pay on time and to those teams who have placed higher in the grade at last year's tournament. Māori Basketball reserve the right to reject an iwi from registering if any fees from previous national tournaments are still owing. Poitūkohu Māori o Aotearoa reserve the right to reject iwi or team registration for reasons that may include but are not limited to alignment with Poitūkohu Māori o Aotearoa kaupapa 

All players must be "Māori" for all grades except the Pakeke Mixed grades and the Koeke (Masters 40+ and 50+ grades). The definition of a Māori person can be found below. 

Each iwi must have a minimum of 8 teams. All grades will have a capped number of total entries. 

Players may only play for one team at the National Māori Tournament. 

Failure to abide by these rules may result in an iwi being excluded from future tournaments

(Updated January 2022)


Games governed by FIBA rules https://nz.basketball/get-involved/officials-hub/the-rules-2/ with adjustments as outlined below.

1. The Tournament shall be called "The National Māori Basketball Tournament" and shall be held between the week of Wellington and Auckland anniversary days.

2. The object of Poitūkohu Māori Aotearoa (NZMBA) National Māori Basketball Tournament (herein after called "the Tournament") is to promote basketball, Te Reo Māori, friendship, goodwill, mutual understanding and to enjoy healthy competition among Iwi Māori.

3. The name of a sponsor or its products may as circumstances require be added to the official name of the Tournament but NZMBA reserves the right to refuse consent to a name which is not in keeping with the aims and objectives of the Tournament.

4. Definitions.

In these rules:

  • “Māori person” means a person of Māori descent.
  • “De Facto partner” means the de facto partner of a Māori person to which the provisions of the Property Relations Act 1976 applies.
  • “Iwi” means the tribe affiliation of teams
  • “Host” means the Iwi/Rohe responsible for holding the Tournament.
  • “FIBA Rules” means the current FIBA rules at the time of the Tournament.
  • “Sportsperson” means a person or persons participating in the official sports at the Tournament.
  • “Tournament Director” means the person appointed by the Host to organise and run the Tournament.
  • “Only teams from affiliated Iwi / Rohe” may enter official teams in the Tournament.
  • “Affiliated” means officially attached or connected to our organization.
  • “Te Reo” refers to the Maori language - to be encouraged throughout the tournament by all

Persons eligible to participate in the National Maori Basketball Tournament are:

(a) A Māori person; or (b) The spouse of a Māori person; or (c) The adopted child of a Māori person or the child or the adopted/whangai child of the spouse of a Māori person; (d) The De Facto partner of a Māori person; or (e) A birth parent of a Māori person or a parent of an adopted Māori person It is the responsibility of each Iwi/Rohe to ensure that each Sportsperson from their Iwi is eligible to participate in the Tournament.

If requested by the representative of an Iwi participating in the Tournament the Tournament Director shall require a Sportsperson to provide evidence of their eligibility. Failure to provide satisfactory proof shall deem that Sportsperson is disqualified from participation. If discovered after the tournament – the iwi may be suspended from future tournaments. This will be at the discretion of the NZMBA Board as to the term of suspension.

5. The Tournament shall be held at a venue that can cater for 7 – 10 courts. Any other Iwi may apply to host the Tournament and such application shall be determined by the NZMBA Board at its discretion.

6. Each Iwi shall appoint at least one personnel to assist with the running of the tournament – these will be known as the “Kaiawhina” who will wear the official mawhero polo shirt for the duration of the tournament.

7. The NZMBA AGM shall be held at each Tournament. This is an open meeting where some Iwi Representatives may vote. a) To receive the annual accounts, minutes of previous AGM and an Annual Report from the NZMBA Convenor. b) Notififed items of Business c) Election of Trustees d) Appointment of Auditor for the coming year. Iwi are allocated votes at theAGM depending on team entries at the previous years tournament.

8. The Host shall prepare a report of the results of the Tournament no later than 60 days after the Tournament.

9. NZMBA will be responsible for funding applications to assist in the costs of hosting the tournament. This to include the following and not limited to: venue hire, officials’ accommodation & travel, uniforms, awards and equipment.

10. The Host shall be entitled to receive recompense from NZMBA to assist in the conduct of the Tournament. The amount of the recompense shall be determined by agreement with the NZMBA Convenor. Notwithstanding the foregoing the Host shall be entitled to seek other grants and donations for the purposes of conducting the Tournament.

11. Iwi shall be entitled to enter a maximum of one team into each grade, with a minimum of eight teams in the competetion total. Additional teams may be entered manually if there are spaces available.

12. Players may only play for one team in the tournament.

13. The Host shall have the discretion to adjust grade numbers according to availability of courts.

14. Should entries to the Tournament in any grade be in the view of the Host insufficient to hold a satisfactory competition the Host may at its discretion refuse the entries and remove that grade from the Tournament for that year.

15. Referees are to be supplied by the Iwi – One referee to ref the game following their own iwi game.

16. As part of the NZMBA promotion of Te Reo, the use of “Te Reo in games” will be encouraged by coaches & referees in the first instance. To assist non-speakers of Te Reo, the Board will provide terms and phrases to be used at the tournament with the information pack. Upon entering the tournament each team agrees to promote Te Reo in games – especially the basic terms provided.

17. All Iwi must be represented at the Awards & Presentation Ceremony held on Wednesday and Saturday night following the final games. Each rōpu will be called onto the stage to present their performance between the awards.

18. Where funding and sponsorship permit new teams will receive the official tournament uniform – logo & colours to be confirmed by Iwi with NZMBA. Current Iwi from previous tournament may also receive uniforms for any extra teams entered.

“He aha te mea nui o te Ao? – He tangata, he tangata, he tangata”

Age Group Rules:

Below is the complete eligibility criteria for all age competitions at all future national tournaments. Criteria for the Under 8 to Under 20, Wāhine, Tane and koeke grades to aligns with BBNZ age definitions.

  1. For Under 8 competition, players must be aged either 7 or younger as at 31 December in the year in which the competition is held.
  2. For Under 10 competitions, players must be aged either 8 or 9 as at 31 December in the year in which the competition is held.
  3. For Under 12 competitions, players must be aged either 10 or 11 as at 31 December in the year in which the competition is held.
  4. For Under 14 competitions, players must be aged either 12 or 13 years as at 31 December in the year in which the competition is held;
  5. For Under 16 competitions, players must be aged either 14 or 15 years as at 31 December in the year in which the competition is held;
  6. For Under 18 competitions, players must be aged either 16 or 17 years as at 31 December in the year in which the competition is held;
  7. For Under 20 competitions, players must be aged either 18 or 19 years as at 31 December in the year in which the competition is held;
  8. For the Tāne and Wāhine and Pakeke competitions, players must be at least 16 years on the first day that the competition commences;
  9. For the Whaikaha (Special Olympic) competitions, players must be at least 12 years on the first day that the competition commences;
  10. For Koeke (Masters) 40-49 competition, players must be between 40 and 49 years as at 31 December in the year in which the competition is held;
  11. For Koeke (Masters) 50+ competition, players must be 50 years or older at 1January in the year in which the competition is held;



WĀHANGA TOA (all players must have their Māori whakapapa) 

Age Groups:

  • Under 8 Mixed
  • Under 10 (Kōtiro, Tama) 
  • Under 12 (Kōtiro, Tama) 
  • Under 14 (Kōtiro, Tama) 
  • Under 16 (Kōtiro, Tama) 
  • Under 18 (Kōtiro, Tama) 
  • Under 20 (Wāhine, Tāne)
  • Wāhine
  • Tāne 

WĀHANGA WHAKANGAHAU (Non-Māori whānau members permitted to play in these) 

Age Groups:

  • Pakeke (Mixed)
  • Kōeke (40-49 Mixed)
  • Kōeke (50+ Mixed)  
  • Special Olympics (Mixed)



  • Kauri is is for teams with experienced players


  • Kahikatea is for teams who may not be at the absolute elite level but still have a high-moderate level of competence


  • Kowhai is aimed at developing teams/players who are relatively new to the sport or still in early stages of skill development


  • Parents who don't play but want to have a run


  • Rangatahi Managers’ Meeting: Monday 8.15am in the grand hall
  • Taipakeke Managers' Meeting: Wednesday 6pm in the grand hall
  • Whakangahau Evening: Wednesday 5pm in the Sportsdrome – Iwi Performances 
  • Rangatahi Prize-giving: Medals (Gold, Silver, Bronze) on the court straight after the finals
  • Taipakeke Prize-giving (except for Tāne Premier Grade and Wāhine Premier Grade): Medals (Gold, Silver, Bronze) in the Bay Trust Arena after the finals
  • Tāne Premier Grade and Wāhine Grade Prizegiving: Trophies, Medals (Gold, Silver, Bronze) on the court straight after the finals.


  • Rotorua Energy Events Centre - 1 Queen’s Drive, Government Gardens, Rotorua 
    • Unison Arena (UNISON 1, UNISON 2, UNISON 3, UNISON 4) 
    • BayTrust Forum (Baytrust Court 1, Baytrust Court 2) 
  • Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology (TOI 1)
  • Rotorua Girls’ High Arena (RGHS 1, RGHS 2) -Miro Street back gate – no parking on the grass 
  • John Paul College (JPC) - Whitworth Street – parking in carpark & walk to gym
  • Western Heights High School (WHHS 1, WHHS 2) – Steeles Lane entrance only 
  • Te Kura o Te Koutu (Te Koutu)
  • Rotorua Intermediate School (RIS)


Each iwi to provide personnel to assist with Court Convening each day for 2 rounds.  

Iwi to complete schedule at Control 

  • Unison Arena , Baytrust Forum & Sportsdrome.  

Court Convening involves:  

  • collecting scoresheets from Control,  
  • reminding teams to provide scorebench personnel,  
  • checking referees are ready to start game – contact TC if refs are not present 
  • operating game clock (games to start on time, even if refs are not present) 
  • returning scoresheets to Control after game 
  • Venue Controllers at RGHS, JPC, RIS & WHHS will Upload results on Team View App after each game 


  • Poitūkohu Māori will provide referees for the first round of games each day
  • Each team is to provide one competent referee for the game following
  • Referees must be present at their allotted court at least 5 minutes before start.  
  • Venue Controllers will be starting games on time – those refs who do not turn up may incur a fine for their iwi. 
  • Payments available Tuesday evening & Wednesday from 12pm for Rangatahi games depending on ref’s last game and Friday evening & Saturday from 12pm for pakeke games – depending on ref’s last game


Each team to provide 1 person to scorebench for their own game.


Complete at least ten minutes before game, with all players from roster, regardless of whether they are playing the first game or not. No additional names can be added after the first game for that team – even if they are on the original roster.  

Teams may also need to fill in scoresheet for each game.


  • Teams are responsible for the supply of their own first aid kit. 
  • Venue Controllers are responsible for filling out an Accident/Injury Form (available from Control Centre) for any injury occurring in their venue. They MUST return the form to the Control Centre immediately for our processing. 
  • Medic Aid will be onsite at the EEC 
  • Physiotherapists and kaimirimiri – are available at the EEC in the Grand Hall (check their schedule for when they are available) 
  • Ice available from Control 
  • Lakes Primecare & Rotorua Hospital are situated just up the road from the EEC off Arawa St 

Tied scores: When scores are tied at the conclusion of a game. Teams to play to Golden Point or 3 minutes extra time. See table below.

  • Golden Point: Teams to play to Golden Point – first team to score. Use Alternating arrow to determine which team inbounds from halfway. Stay shooting at same goal as final quarter. 
  • Overtime: When scores are tied at the end of a game, teams will play 3 minutes of extra time.

Rolling Subs: Subs must wait for the player on-court leaves the playing area before entering – a High-5 or hand slap is recommended for this exchange 

Subs Through Refs:- normal rules. Sub on violation and foul calls. Subs to go through the scorebench and wait to be beckoned on-court by referee.  

Subs not to take more that 3 secs, once called in by referee. Penalty: - warning on coach; followed by Technical foul on the coach for any following infringements. 

Defence: U8s, U10s, U12s, U14s, U16s may only play Man-to-Man defense. Any coach suspecting a team is playing a zone, may request a Zone-Buster to check by sending the teeam manager to the control room and requesting a Zone-Buster Check.

  • Penalty: 1st warning to Coach;
  • Technical Foul for any following infringements.
  • Remember, once a coach has two technical fouls, he/she must leave the venue. 

Pakeke & Kōeke Grades: No more than 3 tāne on-court at any one time per team. Which means, no less that 2 wāhine on-court at any one time per team.

Under 8s Grade: Minimum of 1 girl on court at all times

GradeBall SizeDurationIntervalsTime OutsOvertimeSubsShooting Foul/Bonus
U8 MixedSize 4
(provided by Poitūkohu Māori)
2 x 15 mins running clock2 mins halftime1 x 45s per team; per half
No time-out in last 3 mins of final half
Unused time outs do not carry over
Golden PointRollingNo free-throws
Award - 1 pt & possesion for shooting fouls
7 team fouls per half - 1 pt & possesion for boonus fouls
U10 Kōtiro
U10 Tama
Size 52 x 15 mins running clock
2 mins halftime
1 x 45s per team; per half
No time-out in last 3 mins of final half
Unused time outs do not carry over
Golden Point
No free-throws
Award - 1 pt & possesion for shooting fouls
7 team fouls per half - 1 pt & possesion for boonus fouls

U12 Kōtiro
U12 Tama
U14 Kōtiro

Size 54 x 10 mins running clock1 min between quarters
2 mins halftime
1 x 45s per team; per quarter
No time-out in last 3 mins of final quarter
Unused time outs do not carry over
Golden Point
Through the refFiba rules will apply
U14 Tama
U16 Kōtiro
U18 Kōtiro
U20 Kōtiro
Size 64 x 10 mins running clock
1 min between quarters
2 mins halftime
1 x 45s per team; per quarter
No time-out in last 3 mins of final quarter
Unused time outs do not carry over
Golden Point
Through the ref
Fiba rules will apply
U16 Tama
U18 Tama
U20 Tama
Size 74 x 10 mins running clock
1 min between quarters
2 mins halftime
1 x 45s per team; per quarter
No time-out in last 3 mins of final quarter
Unused time outs do not carry over
Golden Point
Through the ref
Fiba rules will apply
Size 74 x 10 mins running clock
1 min between quarters
2 mins halftime
1 x 45s per team; per quarter
No time-out in last 3 mins of final quarter
Unused time outs do not carry over
Golden Point
Kauri grade through the ref
Kahikatea and Kowhai grades rolling
Fiba rules will apply
Size 6
Size 7
4 x 8 mins stop clock
1 min between quarters
2 mins halftime
1 x 45s per team; per quarter
No time-out in last 3 mins of final quarter
Unused time outs do not carry over
OvertimeThrough the ref
Fiba rules will apply